
Test cases for Dashboard

  Test Cases for Dashboard Testing In the dashboard testing, you need to fully concentrate and also be aware of the product flow. Now a day’s many types of dashboards are available which are used as per requirement. Some test cases which are helpful to you for the dashboard testing. ->Some common test cases (1)     Ensure that all the widgets are appearing in dashboard (2)     Ensure that widgets count are showing properly (3)     Ensure that widgets color is proper  (4)     Verify that widgets has proper title  (5)     Verify that User details are appear proper in upper right corner  (6)     Verify that all the images are showing in the proper size or proper align (7)     Verify that all available export functionality should work expected (8)     Verify that left menu and Dashboard data should not overlap (9)     Verify that the alert is displayed properly (10) Verify that the Dashboard search functionality should work as expected (11) Verify that all the icon

Test case for OTP Verification.

Test cases for "OTP" Verification page.  How to test OTP verification functionality. i wrote some scenarios. hope its help-full. 1. Verify that one time password generate within a time duration or not. 2. Check the generated OTP is valid from one time or not 3. Verify that how many time user can enter invalid. 4. To check that it received only registered email/mobile number. 5. Verify that OTP is case-sensitive or not. 6. Verify that if once used then not allowed to use again. 7. Verify that OTP received with set of count or not. (like 6 digit OTP) 8. Verify that it allow to use after timeout? 9. Verified that Resend OTP button is working or not. 10. Verify that “Submit” button functionality is working or not. 11. Verify that text box is allowed to enter large input rather than OTP size. 12. To check that it display any validation message when clicking on submit button without entering OTP. 13. Check for types of characters are support. Like only digits, only alph