Test cases for Dashboard


Test Cases for Dashboard Testing

In the dashboard testing, you need to fully concentrate and also be aware of the product flow. Now a day’s many types of dashboards are available which are used as per requirement. Some test cases which are helpful to you for the dashboard testing.

->Some common test cases

(1)    Ensure that all the widgets are appearing in dashboard

(2)    Ensure that widgets count are showing properly

(3)    Ensure that widgets color is proper 

(4)    Verify that widgets has proper title 

(5)    Verify that User details are appear proper in upper right corner 

(6)    Verify that all the images are showing in the proper size or proper align

(7)    Verify that all available export functionality should work expected

(8)    Verify that left menu and Dashboard data should not overlap

(9)    Verify that the alert is displayed properly

(10)Verify that the Dashboard search functionality should work as expected

(11)Verify that all the icons are shown with meaningful icon design, ensure that icon is meaningful

(12)To check that font size & font color is proper in all dashboard

(13)To check that text align is proper in all dashboard design

(14)Verify that all the elements are clickable on a page

(15)Ensure that all redirections URL redirect to the expected URL

(16)Check to see whether there is any required static text on the dashboard.

(17)Verify that the page responds to the specific resolution

(18)Verify that the page loads under slow connections

(19)Verify that all the elements are appearing when a connection is slow

(20)Verify that the dashboard page has required a specific browser version 

(21)Verify that the dashboard page takes a long time to load on the browser

(22)Verify that the Dashboard URL should run for all the browser

(23)Verify that all the elements are appearing in all the browser 

(24)Ensure that the same UI is displayed in all the browser   


->Test case for Table

(1)    Verify that the table is display proper on the dashboard page 

(2)    Verify that table data is appearing properly on the table size

(3)    Verify that ‘data not available message’ is display when table has no data

(4)    Verify that the tool tip appears when hovering the mouse on the table data

(5)    Verify that the table pagination is working as expected

(6)    Verify that table ‘next’ & ‘previous’ buttons working as expected

(7)    Verify that table column sorting is working properly


-> Test case for Graph & chart testing

A chart is a graphical representation of data. Graphs and charts can be used to make it simple to understand the data.

(1)    To check that graph is properly visible on the screen.

(2)    Ensure that ‘No data available’ message should display when graph data is not available. 

(3)    If the graph is hyperlink then click on (the hyperlink value) it should redirect to the expected page

(4)    To check data count is correct on the graph ( values are matched on the redirected page )

(5)    Graph or chart name must be meaningful

(6)    Verify the graph is properly understood by the user

(7)    Verify it the graph is cover all the data coverage

(8)    Verify that graph values are properly in line on the (x-axis & y-axis)

(9)    Verify export graph in PDF, JSON or another format and see how its look 

(10) Verify that size of graph and graph fonts, text are must be in standard format

(11) Check the graph with small and large data amount

(12)Verify that Plotting range should be dynamic and logical

(13)Verify that graph color and position should be proper in page

(14)Verify that when hover the mouse cursor on the graph then values are visible properly

(15)Verify that when hover the mouse courser on the graph Tool tip appear proper


-> Test case for Left menu

(1)    To check whether the hamburger menu button  appears in the upper left corner

(2)    Verify that when click on the hamburger menu button the left panel should open  

(3)    Verify that menu is adjusting automatically based on number of menus

(4)    Check that heading of menu is properly align

(5)    Check that menu & sub menu tool tip is properly visible

(6)    Check that drop down menu has proper title

(7)    Check that color combination of left menu and sub menu is proper to visible

(8)    Check that when click on any left menu URL then it redirects valid page

(9)    Check that left menu is responsiveness in different screen size


-> Test case for Dropdown Filters

(1)    Verify that all drop down filters are visible on the dashboard page

(2)    Verify that drop down filter text align is proper

(3)    Verify that default selection value is shown on the drop down

(4)    Verify that the drop down search is working or not

(5)    Verify that when try to search in the drop down it shows a valid result

(6)    Check that any blank value is not be shown

(7)    Check that the drop down stroller is available when large data in the drop down

(8)    Check that the drop down value must be Alphabetical or numerical order wise

(9)    Check that proper spacing is added on the drop down values

(10)Verify that user can choose drop down values by clicking the tab button from keyword

 (11)Verify that the user can able to past the text on the drop down search box and drop down able to produce a search result for pasted text 


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