Test Cases for Payment Gateway.
The purpose of payment gateway testing is to insure the security, trust ability and performance of a payment gateway by cracking and securing the payment details between stoner and trafficker while furnishing a smooth payment experience.
Check List: How to
Test Payment Gateway.
1. Arrange proper test data for the dummy credit card number for the maestro, visa, master, etc.
2. Collect payment gateway information like Google Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal, Paytm, or else
3. Collect payment gateway documents with error codes
4. Check for the application response after the transaction.
5. Check for the message that is displayed after a successful transaction.
6. Check for the message that is displayed after an
unsuccessful transaction.
7. Check for the language and currency that is relevant to
the location.
8. Check the error message if a payment fails.
9. Check redirection after successful payment
10. Check all payment options are working properly.
11. Check for the message that display after the session
12. Check for the currency and language according to the
consumer location.
13. Check for the order confirmation message in the mobile
number/email id after a successful transaction that the order has been placed.
14. To check what happens if the payment gateway stops
responding in the middle of the transition.
15. To check for fraud avoidance and security settings.
16. To check that amount is not deducted multiple times
while purchasing.
17. To check that the refund amount should be the same as
the transaction amount.
18. Verify the popup blocker working properly during
Test Scenario examples for payment gateway testing.
UI Test Cases
1. Verify the payment gateway company logo & name.
2. Verify that all text boxes, labels, Buttons, and
spellings are visible properly.
3. Verify that all types of Payments Options are available.
4. Verify GUI validation alert.
5. Verify GUI of validation message when invalid details are
Functional Test Cases.
1. Verify all the payment options are accessible.
2. Verify that saved cards (debit/credit) can be automatically accessed.
3. Verify that the payment options are allowed to select any one at a time
4. Verify that all mandatory fields are filled by the user before processing to payment.
5. Check whether multiple cards can be saved as default or
6. Verify that the correct currency is displayed on the page
7. Check if the payment is not getting proceeding for null
values in the cart.
8. Check by entering the invalid card detail then proceed to
payment, it should not be successfully Proceed to payment.
9. Verify that payment should not getting proceed with
expired/blocked cards.
10. Verify that the validation alert displays properly when
invalid or wrong details are entered.
11. Some verifications cases like:-
13. To check what happened after the session expired. Does payment still occur?
14. To check that the payment gateway deducts an actual
amount from the customer’s account.
15. To check that the payment return policy should be
16. To check that in case money is debited from your account
but payment/online transaction is not done successfully, then total money
should be credited to your account.
17. In case the internet connection is slow and money is not
debited from your account at that time payment goes successful.
18. Check transaction amount in bank statement or
application transaction history also.
19. Check that display the valid amount before payment
20. To check that it generates an invoice after successful
21. To check that payment should be done if all valid
processes are completed step by step according to the payment type.
22. Verify that if the payment stopped/cancelled midway the
amount is deducted or not?
Security Test Cases.
1. Verify that the information of the credit/debit cards is
masked form.
2. Verify that the registered/valid user getting OTP.
3. Verify that OTP sends on the linked email/mobile number.
4. Verify that transaction gets canceled if enter the wrong
5. Verify that session gets expired within the specific
6. Verify that if enter the wrong OTP gets a message on the
registered email/message.
7. Verify that payment get failed while entering the wrong
8. To check that the Payment process failed on any wrong
9. Verify that the payment portal is using secure connections HTTPS
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