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TO know about Severity & Priority      


it indicate how soon bug should be fixed. Priority defines the order in which we  should resolve an error. Should we fix it now or wait?

It could be low, medium and high. It depends on customer requirement.

Low: defect isn’t harmful to the Product, so it can be resolve after the critical/harmful defects are fixed or a later date.    

Medium: it can be resolved throughout the normal process of development.it can be tested in another build or version.

High: error must be solve as soon as possible. It needs to be resolve within a working days. This types of defects affect the functionality.


it indicates the seriousness of the defect on the product functionality. Severity is defined in terms of financial loss, damage to the environment, company’s dignity. High severity means business got affected if it was not fixed. The severity of the fault is adjunct on the technical phase of the product.  

This could be low, minor, major, and critical.

Low: This bug is do not harm the system in critical way is marked as Low bug.

Minor: It is related to minor UI, text size, Labels, etc.. this types of bug doesn’t affect the system working flow but it affect the user experience is marked as minor bug.   

Major: Bug isn’t affecting the whole system but still prevents major functionalities of a system from working is marked as major bug.               

Critical: Bugs can be affect the business requirements or flow of the system. This types of bug can be capable of breakdown large part of system.

Example of Severity and Priority

HP and HS: error occurs on the basic functionality of the application which not allowed the user to use it.


1) Issue with registration functionality                                                                   

2) in e-commerce website product added to the cart but not visible in payment page.                                                                                                                          

3) you login your redbus.com account then you book your seat for travel and apply discount coupon for 20%, but here when you make a payment it take amount without applying discount.                                                                         

4) Consider a saved data is displayed in grid and in grid has 2 buttons,(1.edit & 2.delete) here if edit button performs delete functionality, so it is HPHS 

HS and LP: status indicates defect have to be fixed but not on immediate bases. When a defect causes a major problem on the functionality of the product but in very rare condition or situation.


1) Suppose if there is banking application that is able to calculate daily, monthly, quarterly report but fails to compute or calculate yearly report.

This is a high severity error but low priority because this bug can be fixed in the coming or next release.                      

2) In websites there are some buttons overlapping but also clickable.                  

3) If the website has 2 page “About us” & “contact us”. If the “About us” page mistakenly given the name “contact us”. Confuses client which is what page so it is HSLP.                                                                                                              

4) Application crashing in some very corner case

LS and HP: it indicate bug to be fixed on urgent basis but it should not affect the application. It doesn’t affect of the functionality but create bad impression of the product.


1) Any spelling mistake on the cover page or heading or title.                               

2) When user open mobile application without internet connection at that time “please check internet connection” toast message not display.

LS and LP: status indicate defects does not effect on any system module.


1) The color of -text is not match with background color.                                                         

2) In registration web form placeholder spelling is incorrect.                                                   

3) Attached map “I frame” is not work in contact-us page      


Key points that every tester should consider before selecting a severity and priority

•Severity parameter is assessed by the tester whereas the priority parameter is assessed by the product manager or by the triage team                
•To determine the degree of severity of a defect, QA engineers recognize how often it occurs and to what extent it influences the functionality. It is significant to consider both parameters                                                    

How many users does a bug affect? What Functionality is affected? 

•Understand the concept of severity and priority.                                             
•Assigning the severity type based on the issue type as this affect its priority      

Understand how a particular scenario or Test Case would affect the end-user             

•Need to consider how much take a time to be fixed when deadline is near                         
As a QA, try to understand the functionality of how a particular scenario or test case may affect the performance of the overall system before assigning the severity level of a defect. This involves the participation of a development team with the testing team.     

Be conscientious towards the customers and try to see the bug from their suitable point of view.  




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